Applay - Wordpress App Store & Showcase Theme

The Documentation

Install and Update


Always remember to download the latest version from your Themeforest account. The Main Files includes these following files and folders:

  • Documentation Folder - contains this document and other materials
  • Installation Files Folder - contains installable plugin file
    • theme/ - Applay theme
    • plugin/ - Applay's member feature plugin
    • plugin/ - Applay's app portfolio feature plugin
    • plugin/ - Applay's all shortcodes plugin
    • plugin/ - Applay's showcase plugin
    • plugin/ - Quick Ajax($17) Modern Wordpress Ajax Query Posts (visit Quick Ajax)
    • plugin/ - Visual Composer($28) A page builder plugin for WordPress (visit Visual Composer)
It is recommended to install Visual Composer and applay-shortcodes plugins at least. Other plugins are optional.
Step 1. Log into your WordPress Admin area.
Step 2. Look down the left hand column for “Appearance” and then click on the button “Add new”.
Step 3. In the "Add new" page, click “Upload Theme” on top
Step 4. In the "Upload" page, click “Browse” to browse for the theme installation file in [path-to-your-downloaded-package]/Installation File/theme/ Click "Install Now".
Step 5. After installed successfully, click "Activate" to make the Applay active
Step 6. Install plugins in Plugins > Add New > Upload


There are some ways to update theme:
All posts and settings will be saved. This is data-safe method. You need to update applay's plugins manually

Applay Layout

Install Sample Data

1 - WP Clone Import

2 - Import Manually

Alternatively, you can use regular way to import data. you can find in /Sample Data/ folder:

To install sample data, following these steps

Homepage Setup

Create Frontpage and Blog

Frontpage Template

Theme Options

Applay comes with a lot of options to help you totally customize the look & feel of site. Go to Appearance > Theme Options to configure.


Colors & Background


Main Navigation

Single Post

Single Page




App Portfolio

Social Accounts

Social Sharing

Theme Update

If you want to update the new versions of Applay theme right in admin dashboard, you need to enter information below

Applay Shortcodes

Button Shortcode

[ia_button link="#" size="big" solid="1" has_arrow="0" icon="fa-location-arrow"]Button[/ia_button]

Iconbox Shortcode

[ia_iconbox icon="fa-leaf" heading="Build Showcase" layout="center"]Just in seconds[/ia_iconbox]

Post Slider Shortcode

[ia_post_slider post_type="product" count="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" auto_play="0" height="700"]

Post Grid Shortcode

[ia_post_grid column="4" post_type="product" count="7" order="DESC" orderby="date" featured_item="1" show_extra="1" gallery="0"]

Post Carousel Shortcode

[ia_post_carousel post_type="product" count="8" visible="4" order="DESC" orderby="date" show_extra="1"]

Product Listing Shortcode

[ia_woo column="3" listing_style="1" count="6" order="DESC" orderby="date"]

Heading Shortcode

[ia_heading url="#" size="1" align="center"]Get it now[/ia_heading]

Testimonials Shortcode

[ia_testimonial scroll="1"]
    [ia_testimonial_item name="John Dose" title="Manager" avatar="1761"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod [/ia_testimonial_item]
    [ia_testimonial_item name="Jeny weky" title="Developer" avatar="1972"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod [/ia_testimonial_item]
    [ia_testimonial_item name="John Dose" title="Manager" avatar="1761"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod [/ia_testimonial_item]

Member Shortcode

[ia_member id="1968"]

Quick Ajax Shortcode


Applay - Showcase Plugin

There are 4 Showcase Styles

Pure CSS mobile devides

How to Create


Pages & Posts

Each post/page has their own settings when editing. These settings are used to overwrite Theme Options Settings

User Submit App Form

This feature requires Contact Form 7 plugin to work. To configure this feature:


Applay is a WMPL compatible and multi-language ready theme. To translate this theme:

Applay also supports RTL - Right To Left languages. If your language is RTL, go to Appearance > Theme Options > General > RTL mode and check Enable RTL

Other Settings


Used Assets

Font Awesome - by Dave Gandy (GPL License)

jscolor - by Jan Odvarko, (GNU-GPL License)

Raumrot - by markusspiske (CC License)

Owl Carousel - by Bartosz Wojciechowski (MIT License)

Devide.css - by Marvelapp (MIT License)

Bootstrap - by @mdo and @fat (MIT License)

Captiva Icon Theme - by bokehlicia (GPL3 License)

The list might not be complete by accident. Authors who think you owe a license in this theme, please contact us at


If you face problems with the installation or customization of our product please do not hesitate to contact us HERE